2018 Latte Art Champion of Italy- Manuela Fensore

Posted by Simonou Mike on

Hello All BaristaSpace Friends. My speaking autobiography:

My Name is Manuela Fensore, I'm 28 years old and I was born as a barista in 2014, after being a SDA courier for a year.
After which my life has changed.

In 2015 I took a first course from Luigi Lupi, to get closer to the coffee and latte art community, then I resumed in 2016, after having had a big health problem, a pulmonary embolism that stopped me from working for a year, but not from my passion, Latte Art! !

Then I wanted to bring all of myself to the Italian championship.

"Manuela Fensore, Italian champion Latte art 2018.

Italian champion Latte art 2018

We have a training workshop in via Giacinto Bruzzesi 25, in the heart of Giambellino.
After winning a competition on April 15, 2017, winning a e61 Legend pusher, then I arrived vice world champion of the Lags Battle circuit as a black dairy in 23/10/2017, but today they are the only gold milk jug in the LAGS circuit world!
And then the Italian title arrived!

It was a total put into play, to leave the imprint of me on the cream and then serve it to the judges, along with the experience of the disease and my convalescence.
I bet on myself and it was the story of my sacrifice, of my rebirth, to give me the first place. Yet, despite everything, this goal has not left behind me the aftertaste of victory.

"After winning the Italian championships, I received more criticism than congratulations, probably because my victory amazed the other competitors.
In fact, it was the first time that I measured myself in a competition of this level. With my presence, therefore, I got everyone out of the way, having appeared a little from nothing.

I had never believed it before: the drive came from Carmen Clemente and Lui Who registered me in the race without my knowledge. "

"Mine was a rather risky choice: it was not obvious that such a personal preparation could please the judges.
Luigi Lupi also initially warned me a bit. But I found a sense only in totally expanding. And he gave me his complete support. "

And I used BaristaSpace milk jug.

Italian Latte art champion

How Manuela Fensore arrived at the Italian Championship?
Which masters or organizations?

"First of all, I supported the Family Musetti. I call it that because it has supported me so much. In fact, they gave me the training, investing in me.

They have made their Academy available. So I could go from Milan to Piacenza when I wanted to. Furthermore, I had the great support of Luigi Lupi.

Latte art champion of Italy

A great trainer who is very busy following me and advising me. Also drum me when needed. Today I thank him very much. Because I was sure it would bring me to the result. "

Chiara Bergonzi, gave a hand?

"Unfortunately not. But she always gave me a positive wish. However, being a judge in the race, he has always rightly kept his distance. We have never seen or spoken. I have always and only formed with Luigi Lupi. "
So you have to do better.

"Undoubtedly it can only be improved. It never arrived. So tomorrow, I will always be the Italian Champion, but with the same humility as those who still have to get to that platform.

I therefore think that what I will do will be the same thing that Chiara Bergonzi has already done. I will also try to redeem her. I am happy indeed to be the second woman, after her, who was aIt was indeed a surprise as the only woman on the podium. I will try to do my best then, designing something better than what I brought today. "

Emanuela Fensore, had already won at a previous competition
Organized by Faema in the historic headquarters of the Milanese brand in Via Ventura 4.

So it's a second victory.
For Manuela Fensore this is not the first national triumph. He had already imposed the final of the Latte Art Competition organized by Faema last spring in Via Ventura in Milan.

"Even there, a surprise victory. In fact, I registered with the desire to participate for the first time. To get involved and win that shyness that sometimes hampers me from good experiences. I won a Faema E61 Legend. I am therefore happy to have lived that adventure. "

But we must work on fear.

"It's true. At the world we must be snipers. In these months of work, I think I will work hard. I am a very tenacious and very critical person with herself. If I set myself a goal, I must reach it.

I wanted to demonstrate as a goal, to show that I could do it to people who did not believe in me. "


"Because women are probably always struggling to be accepted in a bunch of men. "
Was she the only woman in the final?

"No. There were three. But I see that, as women, we struggle to be taken into consideration. Among the men I found that there was more solidarity. I am however proud of what I have brought forward.

We need to conquer a few admirers.

"Yup. Absolutely. As I did today. I am happy to have made many people think again. "
To whom dedicates this victory, Manuela Fensore.

"To my son Leonardo. He is almost 6 years old in February. Unfortunately I had to neglect it to be able to bring home this victory. Then I dedicate it to my partner, Carmen Clemente. As well as owner of Barberi Caffè, who supported me. "

She who was a challenger for Faema.

"Yup. She was also a level competitor. It was a good fight. Because we were competing for the prize. Although in reality, it was already like playing at home. However we did not lose the right tension in the competitions. "

Taking back his son, Leonardo. What do you understand at six years of Latte art?
"He understood above all how the first rosette is made. In fact, I am pushing him into this art with positive results. He is very interested. I am therefore happy to be the bartender, the person and the mother I am.

To conclude with a technical question: how did you make the final drawings?
"My drawings are definitely a reduction of my very difficult period. In July 2016, I was suffering from a pulmonary embolism. In full work, I suffered 5 microembolies in one lung.

I then closed the bar going to the hospital on my legs. There, they explained to me that the lung was quite compromised.

From here arises my angel huddled, sleeper and alone. This is my first drink. "
The second figure

"This is born instead of the desire to overcome just this period. So to address it to the fullest. Although my first two nights were difficult. However, my desire to go further made me resign in a week.

Hence the seated angel looking at the moon; hoping to come back so to fly. "
Finally this image.

"That is the happy ending of me that stands out. In fact, they are here today to show that if you commit yourself, in the end you gain the trust of others. The desire to put into play, therefore, repays you.

Nowadays 12 place at wlac turning in brazil in belo horizonte, where to support me there were many valid and very strong competitors, unfortunately place that did not allow me to enter the final, when I was 3 in the preliminary!

At my world championship I had my Italy team made up of Chiara Bergonzi and Luigi Lupi and Carmen Clement who helped me to realize my 5 most important figures who are:

My Dragon, in free pour that represented myself, the strength of a mother.

My second figure in free, which represented my Koala on holiday, very nicely, as a designer milk I brought my motherhood, and as an espresso I brought my angel of the Italians, who gave me the chance to win the Italian title.
like art bar the tree of life! !

Mio sito facebook Manuela Fensore


Mio sito instagram @Manu_latte_art


Mia pagina Facebook Manuela Fensore/Trainer Barista


They were my most beautiful creations!

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